The above cover is the US version of the book.
Image not yet available of the Australian cover. The Australian cover is quite ordinary, purple in colour with a X logo, the cover blurb and no photos.
The Lexicon
Written by N.E. Genge
Price: R.R.P. $? (paperback)
No. of Pages: 177
Publisher: Pan Books
ISBN: 0-330-35019-6
Cover blurb:
From the Front Cover:
For the unexpurgated truth, you need an unauthorized book. The Lexicon. Anti-Waltons to Zunis. An unofficial X-Files Guide to people, places and proprietary phrases.
From the Back Cover:
The truth is out there, but what is "The Truth" and where is "There"?
A whole new language of phrases, people, places and secret projects has grown up around the extraordinary television phenomenon of The X-Files. The Lexicon opens a gateway into The X-Files universe, providing hundreds fo obscure but essential terms and concepts all self-resepecting X-Philes must have in their vocabulary.
What does NICAP mean? Who (or what) is Fluke Man? What is Vibuti? Where is Majestic-12?
In addition, The Lexicon includes scores of photographs, an episode guide for the first three mind-blowing series, in-depth details about all the major players, a timeline of important X-events ... and much, much more.
To seek the truth you must speak the truth.
Personal Rating:
Medellia: -
Ian:  [I only paid $2 for this book, luckily. While it's a decent source of trivia, it's nothing special. The biggest problem, though, with these type of books is that they're out-of-date as soon as you buy them. Or in this case, three years behind the times!]