Junior Novelisation: E.B.E. Junior Novelisation: E.B.E.
Adapted by Les Martin based on the teleplay by Glen Morgan and James Wong

Based on the episode: 1x16 E.B.E.
Price: R.R.P. $6.95 (paperback)
No. of Pages: 100
Publisher: Harper Trophy
ISBN: 0064406539
Cover blurb:
From the Official Site: An unidentified falling object has hit the ground in the Middle East. Yet somehow its cargo winds up in the back of a truck in West Virginia. Mulder suspects it is an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, an E.B.E.--a living, breathing space alien. If he can find it, he can finally prove we are not alone.
But Mulder's cross-country quest for the alien quickly turns into a terror trip. Someone is sending Mulder and Scully on dangerous detours. No one can be trusted. Evil is playing a game of hide-and-secrecy, and only one thing is sure: The truth may be out there--but the truth can kill...
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