Ground Zero Ground Zero
By Kevin J. Anderson

Price: R.R.P. $10.95 (paperback)
No. of Pages: 292
Publisher: Voyager (A division of HarperCollins)
ISBN: 0-00-648206-6
Cover blurb:
A fifty year old secret will not die. Renowned nuclear weapons researcher, Dr. Gregory, is not only dead - he's been charred to a radioactive cinder in his laboratory at the Edward Teller Nuclear Research Facility near Oakland, California. Since this is a death on Federal property, Mulder and Scully are hastily called in. As FBI agents who specialise in unexplained phenomena, they are the investigators of the "X-Files", strange and inexplicable cases which are also mysteries that the FBI doesn't want solved.
As Mulder and Scully begin their frustrating work, they confront a tight-lipped federal bureaucracy whose job it is to stop questions before they are asked. One by one, Mulder and Scully hit dead ends, closed security clearances and classified documents no one wants them to see. But that doesn't stop them from ripping the lid off Dr. Gregory's illegal project - a new type of flash nuclear explosive that has all the destructive power of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, but with a new design that leaves virtually no radioactive fallout. As they feverishly work to uncover why Dr. Gregory and two others unrelated to his research have died, it becomes clear that this twisted puzzle has fatal consequences for the entire world.
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