Young Adult Novelisation: The Calusari Young Adult Novelisation: The Calusari
Adapted by Garth Nix based on the teleplay by Sara Charno

Based on the episode: 2x21 The Calusari
Price: R.R.P. $8.95 (paperback)
No. of Pages: 100
Publisher: Voyager - Harper Collins
ISBN: 0006483240
Cover blurb:
From the Official Site: First, Charlie's little brother is pulled onto the tracks of an oncoming train by an unseen force. Several days later, his father is killed by a bizarre garage-door malfunction. Both times Charlie is present--watching.
Charlie's Romanian grandmother thinks that he is responsible for the deaths. A firm believer in old-world traditions, she calls in the ancient Calusari to perform the rituals needed to cleanse the boy's soul.
But is Charlie truly a demon? Or is there a darker, more horrifying force at hand? FBI Agents Mulder and Scully must find out--before a young boy becomes the final sacrifice!
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