Young Adult Novelisation: Control Young Adult Novelisation: Control
Adapted by Everett Owens based on the teleplay by Vince Gilligan

Based on the episode: 3x17 Pusher
Price: R.R.P. $8.95 (paperback)
No. of Pages: 127
Publisher: Voyager - Harper Collins
ISBN: 0-00-648330-5
Cover blurb:
From the Official Site: A man who calls himself "Pusher" confesses to committing fourteen perfect murders--by making them all look like suicides. Pusher has too much specific crime-scene information to be bluffing, but the question remains: how did he do it? FBI Special Agent Scully thinks the man is an egomaniac--and a liar. Her partner, Mulder; has a different explanation. He thinks that Pusher is a bizarre homicidal assassin who uses such powerful mind control that he can convince his victims to kill themselves. But without a scrap of evidence, there's only one way for Mulder to prove his theory. He has to go up against the Pusher himself.
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